J.O.Y. Fellowship (Just Older Youth)
Where It All Began
The J.O.Y. Group was birthed in February 2004 at a Valentine's Dinner for single ladies hosted by Don and Dianne Zinn. After dinner Theda Bunton asked, "What is there for us mature adults to do at New Hope?" That's when we decided to have a group for us. We jokingly called ourselves the Fold 'n Staple Group, then the Over 50 Group; but now we have settled on the name J.O.Y. (Just Older Youth) Fellowship.
What We've Done
We have enjoyed many activities together:
- Parasson's for dinner followed by Stow's All-Church Worship service - our worship team participated in the service
- Dinner at Connie's
- Barberton Mum Festival
- Amish trips - many, many trips usually in the fall: Charm, Walnut Creek, and Dalton to check out Carlisle Gifts, the general store, the cheese factory, and more - always with a meal at an Amish restaurant
- Tour of Heartland Conference Center with Pastor Larrison as our guide
- Concert on the Lake by the Metro Park Ensembleon July 4
- Tour of the P. Graham Dunn factory and store
- Secrest Arboretum in Wooster
- Jellyfish exhibit at the Akron Zoo
- Breakfast with the Larrisons (twice)
- Visit to the Larrisons' store
- Tour of Haven of Rest facility in Akron
- Cradle of Christianity exhibit, Maltz Museum of Jewish History, Beachwood
- The Last Words, a Tenebrae drama at St. Thomas Lutheran Church in Streetsboro, based on the seven words from the cross
- Akron Fossil & Science Center
- Oberlin Heritage Center tour
- Easter Concert at Kent State University
- Many Christmas Gospel concerts at Kent State University with dinner before
- Biblewalk Museum in Mansfield
- Tabernacle tour
What's Next?
Here are a couple ideas:
- Sit under Max Lucado's preaching in Texas
- Tour the Creation Museum in Kentucky
- Visit Bronner's Christmas Wonderland in Frankenmuth, Michigan, to see an exact replica of the little church where "Silent Night" was first played in Austria
- Visit Baptist Chapel Car #7, Grace, at Green Lake, Wisconsin